Saturday, August 7, 2010

Pretty Hong Kong TVB artist Macy Chan Mei Sze

Pretty Hong Kong TVB artist Macy Chan Mei Sze

Name: 陈美诗 Chan Mei Sze / Chen Meisi
English name: Macy Chan
Birthplace: Hong Kong, China
Birthday: February 22, 1983
Occupation: Actress, singer, program host
Height: 164 cm
Weight: 44 kg
Language: Cantonese, Mandarin, English
Constellation: Pisces
The most beloved people: family
Hobbies: collection of the artist’s album, painting, watching movies, travel, reading
Education: graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Good instruments: Piano 8
Favorite Music Type: Musical
Scope of work: MC, singer, television programs, movies, television dramas, stage plays
Favorite singer: Portishead, Destiny’s Child, Craig David, Stefanie

Thursday, August 5, 2010

'Harry Potter's' Emma Watson Cuts Off Her Hair

'Harry Potter's' Emma Watson Cuts Off Her Hair

Actress Emma Watson shared a bit of her latest news via Twitter/Facebook: she cut off her hair. Take a look here.
Dear all. Cut my hair off a few days ago... Feels incredible. I love it. I've wanted to do this for years and years; it's the most liberating thing ever. Hope you like. Big love from Emma x
This is apparently a VERY big deal - she posted this less than three hours ago and she is already a trending topic on Twitter! LOL! Wonder how the the Harry Potter fans are dealing with Hermione's new look?
She is so unbelievably stunning that she can pull off almost any look. It looks incredible!
What do you think of the pixie-short hairdo?

Photos by WENN & Emma Watson's Twitter

Gwyneth Paltrow Braves The Heat To Film Outdoors

Gwyneth Paltrow Braves The Heat To Film Outdoors

Did you know Gwyneth Paltrow has a new TV show? I didn't, but according to the information that came with these pictures, Gwyneth was filming a segment for a TV show before running some errands.

I first looked at these pictures and wondered how in the world Gwyneth managed to look so cool and polished in pants and a blazer in this heat, but that's the magic of getting ready to go on camera :)

Maybe Gwyneth was filming a segment for GOOP. It looks like she's trying to build a brand like Martha Stewart or Rachael Ray. Do you like seeing Gwyneth as a personality or prefer she just stick to acting?

Photos by INF

What's Wrong With Michelle Williams?

What's Wrong With Michelle Williams?

Nothing serious, I'm guessing: here Michelle Williams is shooting a scene for her new movie, 'Take This Walz.'

It's a comedy with Seth Rogen and Sarah Silverman. I Cannot WAIT to see these three on-screen together. You know it's going to be hilarious!

I never would've thought to put the three of them together (Seth and Sarah I can see, but Michelle is a surprise :), but are you as excited to see them together as I am?

Photos by INF

Britney Spears Is On Mel Gibson's Side

Britney Spears Is On Mel Gibson's Side

The source is National Enquirer, so as always, take this with a grain of salt. But I'm actually inclined to believe this one, since it's true that Mel Gibson really was there for Britney Spears in her time of need. Sources are saying that Britney is totally on Mel's side in his whole battle with Oksana Grigorieva.
“Britney feels Mel is being dragged through the mud, and she knows how that feels.”
“She also sees Oksana as a user who had a baby with Mel for money and fame. She believes Oksana is playing the victim, just like her ex-husband Kevin Federline did."
“Mel was a knight in shining armor for Britney, so she’ll continue reaching out to him, and she’ll be there for him whenever he needs her.”
What do you think? Is this fact or fiction?

Tom Cruise Is Immune To The Criticism

Tom Cruise Is Immune To The Criticism

Tom Cruise has been in this business long enough. He knows that no matter what he says or does, show business will always find some way to try and tear him down. Speaking of his lengthy acting career, Tom says,
"I've heard so many things, going back to 'Top Gun' and 'Rain Man' and 'Born on the Fourth of July' - 'He's not going to make another movie', 'He's just a teen idol', 'It's going to destroy his career'. People are going to say whatever they're going to say. I've read it and seen it all before. That's just the way it is. What are you going to do?
"All I can think about is making the movie at hand and doing the best I can and enjoying it."
That's a great attitude, though I'm ignoring the critics is easier said than done.
Tom also mentions that Knight and Day was a particularly challenging movie to work on.
"It requires a tremendous amount of skill. You have comedy, drama and action and it's very dynamic so it's actually four times the workload. Action movies are difficult and this has everything I love in movies. We did everything we could to make it non-stop, unpredictable fun."
I wonder if critics will end up praising Tom for Knight and Day. What do you think, will his acting chops show through in this one?  (imnotobsessed)

Tom Cruise Is Immune To The CriticismTom Cruise Is Immune To The CriticismTom Cruise Is Immune To The CriticismTom Cruise Is Immune To The CriticismTom Cruise Is Immune To The CriticismTom Cruise Is Immune To The CriticismTom Cruise Is Immune To The CriticismTom Cruise Is Immune To The CriticismTom Cruise Is Immune To The CriticismTom Cruise Is Immune To The Criticism

David Beckham Opening Bar In Los Angeles

David Beckham Opening Bar In Los Angeles

David Beckham is already a soccer star and now he wants to add restaurant owner to his resume. His rep is denying the rumor, but sources say that he'd like to open a place and name it Queen Vic, after Victoria Beckham, of course. That's so sweet!

It would be a joint venture with celebrity chef, Gordon Ramsay, and have an English menu.
“He wants pie and mash, fish and chips and even chicken in a basket on the menu, just like the meals he eats when he’s in the UK.”
Do you believe the rumor? And if so, would this restaurant be a place you'd want to try out?
If it were near me, I'd go just for the chance to see David up close and personal!

Photos by

Jessica Simpson Finds Peace With Her Body

Jessica Simpson Finds Peace With Her Body
If any one celeb has received some serious flack in the media over body and weight issues, it's Jessica Simpson. This poor girl has been through the wringer! But Jess says that she's, "coming to terms" with "some serious body issues."
She adds,
"We all obsess over looking like the perfect Barbie type, and that's not always what's beautiful. It's about making peace with yourself."
However, Jessica is saying these things in spite of having went on a serious detox diet for her boyfriend, Eric Johnson, and in spite of her newest Lucky Magazine cover getting attacked by retouching claims?

I say, OF COURSE they photoshopped the cover. It's a magazine cover. Nobody is immune, not even the thinnest, most beautiful celebrities. Like it or not, that's just the way Hollywood is.

Photo by Lucky Magazine.
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Julia Roberts In NYC

Julia Roberts In NYC

Julia Roberts made a stop at The Late Show With David Letterman last night in order to promote her newest movie, Eat, Pray, Love.

There is so much hype surrounding this film. I am REALLY curious as to whether it will actually be any good. Are you one of those people who always thinks the book is better than the movie?

And Julia is so beyond gorgeous. If I looked like that, I wouldn't ever want to get plastic surgery either!

Photos by Fame.

INO EXCLUSIVE: Interview With Angela Kinsey

INO EXCLUSIVE: Interview With Angela Kinsey

By Samantha Ewers
The uptight accountant from “The Office” played by Angela Kinsey could not be more opposite from her television character. Her sweet and down-to-Earth nature makes you forget that you are in the presence of a primetime celebrity when you are with her. She teamed up with Publicolor and Post-It Brand to unveil the world’s largest artist billboard made of Post-It Sticky Notes. This presentation and celebration of the junior high/high school students that contributed to this production is being held in Vanderbilt Hall at Grand Central Terminal free for the public to view between August 3rd and August 6th.

I had a chance to sit down with Angela after the unveiling, and it would be an understatement to say that her company is pleasant. She is sweet, gracious, and everything her character on the hit Emmy-award winning show, “The Office” is not. I had the opportunity to ask her a few questions, so without further adieu…

Samantha: What made you decide to team up with the Post-It Brand and Publicolor to raise awareness to this exhibition?

Angela: I just really feel we don’t invest enough in the art departments in schools in the US. I grew up overseas and had an amazing art, music, and theatre program. So if I could bring awareness to the arts, I was all for it.

Samantha: How has becoming a recent mother changed you and your lifestyle? As a busy, on-the-go woman in television with an infant, do you find work and home difficult to juggle?

Angela: Well, I think all moms ponder ‘how do I have it all? Kids and a career- will one suffer?’ The perpetual guilt you have every time you leave the house- Oh, I think that’s something that has always been a struggle for women. I’m really fortunate because my daughter can come visit me at work and I know that that’s rare. All of my sisters worked, as most families need to be dual income, and they love to remind me of how lucky I am! I feel really fortunate. One thing I found to be unfortunate is that I’m completely unorganized now. I used to have a label maker and a drawer just for ribbons! Now I feel like my house is filled with clutter. I feel like all I do is pick up toys and put them in the basket, and do the same thing over again!

Samantha: Do you find your own persona to be very similar and/or different from your character as “Angela Martin” on “The Office”?

Angela: Oh my God, we are totally different. She’s very prickly and judgmental, and I think I’m sort of non-confrontational. I don’t know, I think the one thing I’ve definitely learned over the last couple of years is ‘Give everyone a break, no one is perfect, don’t judge, just take people as they are’.

Samantha: Which cast member of “The Office” would you consider your closest friend/ acquaintance?

Angela: Well, my best friend is Jenna Fischer, for real. One of the greatest gifts that show has ever given me is her. We talk every day, no matter where we are. I feel so fortunate to have met her.

Samantha: How do you feel about the Steve Carrell’s departure from the show and how do you feel about the direction the show will take in the future?

Angela: Steve is definitely leaving after this year, and we’re going in knowing that, but I’m really going to miss him! Yet, how he will exit will probably be some of the most fun television around. I have no idea what the writers are going to come up with, but I know it’ll be great.

Angela was so pleasant to chat with, I could have asked her questions all day, although I was not the only journalist who was ecstatic to have the opportunity. I do know now that I will definitely see another side to Angela while watching repeats of “The Office” on TBS or the upcoming season on NBC. This show never fails to disappoint, and neither did this event.  (imnotobsessed)

Khloe Kardashian And Lamar Odom Pick Out Baby Names

Khloe Kardashian And Lamar Odom Pick Out Baby Names

According to new reports, Khloe Kardashian and her new husband, Lamar Odon, are trying to have a baby as soon as possible. They say they've even started picking out names for their future children. Lamar says,
“If it’s a boy, it would be Luke Joseph. The girl is on her.”
He adds,
“When you're married you're supposed to try for kids. As soon as possible, I would think. I still want to be young when my kids are young."
Khloe had recently mentioned that she hopes to be pregnant by the end of this summer, and Lamar says he thinks she'll be a great mother.
"She’s got an incredible relationship with her two younger sisters. She has maternal instincts. If she can take care of me, she can take care of a baby."
I am really hoping that this reality TV couple can make it. I like them together! How about you, do you think they'll last?

Photos by

Blake Lively On The Set Of Gossip Girl

Blake Lively On The Set Of Gossip Girl

Look at Blake Lively. Look at all the fans trying to get her attention and taking her picture. And this is going on while she's at WORK.

I cannot imagine dealing with so much attention on a daily basis. It's no wonder so many celebs have stress related breakdowns. But, such is the life of a famous actress. There are a lot of perks too, that's for sure, so I'm Blake can deal with a few screaming fans in exchange for the designer clothes, nice salary and comfortable lifestyle :)

Photos by

Naomi Campbell Admits She Received Blood Diamonds

Naomi Campbell Admits She Received Blood Diamonds

Naomi Campbell was issued with a subpoena to testify against a man named Charles Taylor who is accused of criminal responsibility for murder, rape, sexual slavery and the use of child soldiers in Liberia.
He once gifted her with a blood diamond.

Naomi originally refused to testify, until she was forced to take the stand because of the subpoena.
“This is a big inconvenience for me. I really don’t want anything to do with this and I care about the protection of my family.”
“This is someone, I read up on the internet, that has killed thousands of people, supposedly, and I don’t want my family in danger in any way.”
I can completely understand that, but at the same time, wasn't there some way she could've worked out a deal to testify privately and anonymously?
Campbell told the court that she was woken by two strangers and handed a pouch.
Asked what she thought the gift was, she said: “They were dirty-looking pebbles. I’m used to seeing diamonds, shiny and in a box.”
She told the court that the men had knocked on her door and said: “There’s a gift for you.”
There were 2-3 stones, which she assumed were gifts from Charles because she had just met him that night. Naomi turned them over to the head of the Nelson Mandela Children's fund the next day.

So scary to be involved in something like that. If Charles is guilty, I hope he's put behind bars quickly.

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Kristin Chenoweth Outside The Broadway Theater

Kristin Chenoweth Outside The Broadway Theater

Kristin Chenoweth was spotted outside the Broadway Theater after a matinee performance. Here is she is signing autographs for fans and just generally being adorable.

And, in case you hadn't heard, Kristin has landed her own singing show, produced by the creator of Glee.
Should be interesting to see if the world is ready for another musical. But who doesn't love Kristin? I have a feeling that this project will do well.

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Lily Allen Is Having A Baby!

Lily Allen Is Having A Baby!

Exciting news for Lily Allen! She's pregnant with her first child! I guess she wasn't lying when she said she was ready to take a break from the industry to have a baby.
We have rep confirmation and everything!
"Lily Allen and Sam Cooper are very happy to confirm that Lily is expecting their first child. Lily's professional commitments will carry on as normal, including a scheduled performance at the Big Chill this weekend."
Back in the day, Lily had said there was nothing she wanted more than having kids.
Having children "is ultimately my main goal in life and more of a priority than flying around the world jumping up and down on stage singing songs."
Lily sounds like she'll be a good mom, don't you think?

Photos by

Kelly Bensimon Launches Jewelry Line

Kelly Bensimon Launches Jewelry Line

Kelly Bensimon from The Real Housewives of NYC, launched her jewelry line, Kelly, yesterday. The event was held at LAVO nightclub in Las Vegas.

Honestly, after watching the show, I'm actually surprised that there are companies out there willing to align themselves with her. She had a breakdown, and when I say breakdown, I mean full fledged, needed to check herself in somewhere, BREAKDOWN. And then afterward, she seemed like she was in denial about what happened.

So back to the topic at hand, will you be checking out her new line anytime soon?  (imnotobsessed)

Jennifer Garner Out With Violet

Jennifer Garner Out With Violet

As you guys know, Jennifer Garner is one of my FAVORITE celebrities! She's such a sweetheart. Every time I see pictures of her, even if she's not doing anything special, I get uncontrollably happy :)

Jennifer was spotted out with Violet at a medical center. I'm actually amazed to see that the paparazzi got a photo of Jennifer inside the waiting room. How is that possible? These kinds of places don't usually have windows that go right out to the street....

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Chace Crawford's New Movie 'Twelve' Receiving Praise

Chace Crawford's New Movie 'Twelve' Receiving Praise

Chace Crawford was spotted making his way through the crowd on the set of 'Gossip Girl' this afternoon.
Chace's new movie, 'Twelve', hits theaters this Friday. Roger Ebert saw the movie and Sundance and had good things to say about it:
is a "Less than Zero" for 2010, a savage portrait of a crowd of stupid rich kids on the Upper East Side, and how they spend their parents' money to create perhaps irreversible damage to their lives. The film is very well acted, and dark, dark, dark.
Have you seen the trailer yet? I put it under the cut if you're curious.

Photos by INF

Jillian Michaels Hopes To Have At Least Two Children

Jillian Michaels Hopes To Have At Least Two Children

Jillian Michaels has opened up about her painful past and in the August issue of Parade's Healthy Style magazine, she shares a bit more about her upbringing, including her incredible support system.
Jillian has been in therapy since age 5, at the encouragement of her mother:
I was a very anxious kid. I had night terrors. I couldn’t breathe. My mom is a therapist, and she wanted to make sure that I had someone to talk to. I still try to go to therapy at least twice a week. It has given me the confidence to pursue the things I love, and it’s important that I don’t end up playing out my own pain and insecurities with the people I’m trying to help.
The most important lesson she learned from her mom:
She taught me that I have value beyond measure. At every point in my life, no matter what the circumstance, that lesson has helped me to help other people reach their dreams.
Jillian opens up about her own desire to become a mother:
I’m hoping I’ll have the motherhood thing figured out within five years. I was an only child for a long time, and it was lonely, so I would like to have at least two kids. As long as children have love, that’s all that matters, but in an ideal scenario I’d want them to have a father.


Megan Fox Is New Face Of Giorgio Armani Cosmetics

Megan Fox Is New Face Of Giorgio Armani Cosmetics

Armani really likes Megan Fox. She already modeled for Emporio Armani underwear and Armani Jeans, now she has landed the job of spokeswoman for Giorgio Armani Cosmetics.
Megan had this to say about her new role:

“Mr. Armani is an iconic visionary for all things fashion, I’m honored to be associated with him and part of this campaign.”
Giorgio explains why they chose Megan:
“embodies the spirit of the women of today: free, confident and seductive. Her beautiful features reveal femininity, sensuality and strength,” Giorgio
Megan's campaign is set to start in October.
Does a celebrity spokesman sway you to check out products that you might not have known about or paid attention to otherwise?

Photos by FAME

Quote Of The Day: Julia Roberts

Quote Of The Day: Julia Roberts
"I want my kids to know when I'm pissed, when I'm happy and when I'm confounded," "Your face tells a story and it shouldn't be a story about your drive to the doctor's office."
-Julia Roberts on why she won't have plastic surgery.  (imnotobsessed)

Quote Of The Day: Julia RobertsQuote Of The Day: Julia RobertsQuote Of The Day: Julia RobertsQuote Of The Day: Julia RobertsQuote Of The Day: Julia Roberts